
Spring spirit

It is February but outside is Spring time!We were out for a while and because of the good weather my muse is The Spring :) Because of that I made a digi named Spring Spirit :)

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4 коментара:

  1. Добър вечер ...и Лека нощ - само да кажа, че се завърнах по живо , по здраво ...Надявам се утре да се засечем ... имам фотоподаръчета от село за теб :)А тази пролетна еферия зарежда с настроение :)

  2. Е ти се сети бе моме :) Мен ме няма на компа тази вечер,утре ще се засечем за кафенце.Целувки

  3. How pretty! I'm working on a Jewelry Color Inspiration award to be given out to my favorite each week, but I didn't offer any blog candy this week.

  4. Thanks Stacey :)
    The challenge and all the lovely colors you're giving us are the award :)
    Have a nice week :)


Hello, say something or just give me a smile. Kidness is essential.Thanks and enjoy your stay :)